Thursday, August 9, 2007

No one EVER wants to Answer "Why?"

Constricted and Concaved. The Hollowing in my chest Undermines my Spinal cord. Not to Mention the Spiderwebs Smoldering and Weeding their Parasitic silk over and under your Once Always comforting deliveries presented to me on the telephone.

Honesty Loses All definitions in my Censored reserve; Indefinitely placed on the back-burner, 'til i See Reason to Let it burn.

I Swore it Up

& Down.

And i Swear i Didn't Lie.

The Night and the Sunrise Appear likewise, and are Indistinguishable to my Subjective Eyes.

The blade Doesn't Cut as Sharp as i had remembered. My fingernails Bombard the mounds of ashes Carelessly assembled over time. I've Only been here Just a Short while.

I've been Collecting soon-to-be I.O.U.'s to Give Away my heart. But Insufficient amounts of paper and ink that Doesn't bleed as Dark puts my Sincerity on Finicky lines, and my words Undisclosed, Invisibly marked.

How am i to Materialize these things i said, when i Constantly Scream, "Why?" in that Fairytaleistic boy-who-cried-wolf style? Is it Even Why? I even Doubt that. It's the Concoction of "what if's..?" plus "but this.." and "but that..", that Rummage Through my Lips. The ones i am Convinced you Can Read and i Don't Even Try to Hide. But "why's" are so Easy to Disclose, Because No one Has Definite Answers, Nor the Willingness to Give a quarter of a 1/2-assed try to Answer the Hardest Question i've Ever been asked, and will Reiterate.


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